
Robert Lofthouse (Chairman)

Robert is the Technical Director of Siu Design Limited (a Django/design shop based in London), Technical Project Manager at Lincoln Loop, co-founder of DJUGL (Django User Group London) and Chairman of both DjangoCon and DjangoCon. Robert has been using Django since it's first public release, and is still loving it! :)

Aida Siu (Creative Director)

Aida is the Creative Director of Siu Design Limited (a Django/design shop based in London), without whom DjangoCon and DjangoCon would not have been possible. Aida does everything from the logo design to the brochure designs and spends time making us look good :)

Jacob Kaplan Moss (DSF)

Jacob is the co-BDFL of Django and also part of the Django Software Foundation. He provides advice, help and DSF support for DjangoCon.